This past weekend I dropped McKay off to college. Both McKay and I have been looking forward to this time...I have been very excited for him to begin this new journey of his it came as a surprise when tears sprung from my eyes when I woke him up Saturday morning...
What is up with that? The thought of sleep filled nights, not being privy to all of his choices and doings only brings me smiles...But as Saturday progressed and as the trip was made to Long Beach, and a dorm room put together, I found the moment to be bittersweet...I watched him Saturday embrace his new environment, his new friends and roommate and his new school...and I realized he looked really happy...and that made me very happy...but I also knew that his smile, his sense of humor, his stubbornness, and his presence would also leave a hole at home...
For the record...Long Beach States Men's Volleyball team ROCKS...why?...we had stuffed the suburban full of ALL things McKay would need for his dorm and college email was sent out from the coach for all players to be at the dorms to help unload and carry all the things of the new freshman recruits...I was seriously sceptical if any would my surprise MANY showed and the unloading happened in ONE awesome is that??? A BIG thank you to McKay's teammates! I was so impressed!
Smart boys, using a small flat bed to drive car full to dorm which in turn made the trip into the dorm room short...
I could tell right off that dorm life is going to be a change but I believe a lot of fun...McKay is in a suite of 4 rooms, each room has 2 boys, 7 of those boys are on the volleyball team...4 freshman, I think 2 sophomores and a transfer...the eighth boy plays in the school band(trombone player, I think?)...the rooms are tiny and there is NO air conditioning (it was so hot!)...but whether they got lucky or there was an athlete connection they are located RIGHT by the laundry room and dining hall, score!...
Cooling off in front of the fan...
Dorm mates and Teammates...
McKay's home for the next 9 months...
When I left Saturday night McKay and new teammates were dressing up in different attire to go support the Women's volleyball team at their first home comment, haha...
The boy in the orange shorts is McKay's new roommate, all of them are the 4 new freshmen additions to the Long Beach State volleyball team and all very tall...this was their outfits for the women's volleyball match, missing from photo is McKay's superman cape...yep.
Last night we decided as a family to bring McKay his last home cooked meal in awhile...his siblings also wanted to see where their brother was going to be residing this next year...when I told McKay this I told him we would NOT make a habit of this, just dropping by, or would we????...ha...regardless, he seemed very happy with the dinner and treats...
In front of McKay's dorm, bringing him his treats...
So my dear's to starting something new new memories...we love you much and wish you the best of everything...and when you are feeling the need to come back to your roots, the bed might have been claimed by another :), the door though will always be open...GO BEACH!!! :)
Saying goodbye for now...