Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 New Year's Resolution #10

Create a blog for me. (and possibly my mom, aunt shirley, sister and greg's family)

Record happenings, thoughts (random and not), funnies, and anything else that I feel like.

***note to self...still need to convince some members of the family that my blog will not invade their privacy...this will be a challenge I am sure...it is most likely that their privacy will be disturbed...will work to make privacy issues a non issue...will try to keep blog updated...a year from now would love to pat myself on the back with a year worth of "journal" entries...


  1. I can't WAIT to read all the sordid details of EVERY member of your family!!!!! I kid, I kid. So glad you are doing this. I love you! I will harass you to NO END when you don't post (just a warning).

  2. Looks great! I am concerned about the whole privacy issue too. Interested to see how you handle it :-) Good Luck!

  3. Thanks Tami for being my very first comment!!! I will do my best to give you all the sordid details...haha.
    With that said...Anonymous(Greg) I will do my best NOT to give all the sordid details! :)

  4. Hey Mom,
    I'm glad you finally got to New Year's Resolution #10! I thought cleaning the garage was our only one but guess not!!!!!! Keep it up! And i dont care about the privacy thing ! Keep blogging!!

  5. Yay for you (and us because we miss knowing what's happening in your family's life)!! I too will keep tabs on this ... just to add to the peer pressure.

    And where Ms. Tami is your blog???

  6. I also want to add on PRESSURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is fun to put on people!!!!!!!

  7. Awesome, you did it. Wish I have already accomplished one of my new year's resolutions. And please include the juicy stuff, we won't tell anyone.

  8. I LOVE IT. Finally you fallen to the peer pressure. I am so excited to keep up with all of your (you and Greg) most intimate secrets. Does he realize that this is what a blog is???? Oh well, I won't tell if you don't. Wow, and you're cleaning the garage? You're doing great so far this year with your resolutions.
